
Averting Disaster: Making the "SAFER" safer

May 31, 2023 / The SAFER Imbroglio


An urgent call for funding and donations to the UN SAFER operation.

Additional information: The UN plan for the pre-salvage inspection of the SAFER - UNOPS OPERATIONS RELATED TO FSO SAFER ASSESSMENT AND LIGHT MAINTENANCE; a description by the Dutch salvage company SMIT-Boskalis of the approach to trans-shipment of the oil cargo to the relief tanker NAUTICA - FSO Safer Oil Transfer Operation by Boskalis; and a word of caution issued by CCCL’s Master Mariner Piotr Pikinski on the hazards inherent in the salvage operation itself - RECOMMENDATIONS AND REMARKS.


Why is CCCL involved in the SAFER operation?



The Nature of Pandemics

March 14, 2023


Speakers: Dr. Dag K.J.E. von Lubitz, Adjunct Research Professor, The Herbert H. and Grace A. Dow College of Health Professions, CMU; President, CCCL


Dr. Candace J. Gibson, Professor, CMU College of Medicine & Professor Emerita, Dept of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, Western University, London, Canada; Secretary/Treasurer, CCCL


Third Prize Winner, NATO Innovation Hub Challenge:
Bioresponse Spring 2022

June 28, 2022


NATO Innovation Hub Challenge 2022 – Final Pitch: Preventing Failure: Training Executive Leaders in Biocrisis Management Using Networkcentric Metaverse Technology, Networkcentric Teams of Leaders, Team Lead - Dag von Lubitz (CCCL).


NATO Innovation Hub Challenge: Resilience Fall 2022Focus on Data management and security in the context of reconstruction efforts. CCCL Team submission – "War...and What Next"

September, 2022


In today’s complex and unpredictable environment, governments and organizations must be resilient in order to withstand shocks like natural disasters, failure of critical infrastructure, and military attacks. This challenge addressed Resilience from a whole-of-society approach, combining the civilian, economic, commercial, and military factors emphasizing the importance of planned data collection, secure data sharing and effective data management.