The Center for Collaborative Command and Leadership (CCCL) serves as the pivot for regional, national, and international training, practice, and research in collaborative interactions among leaders and teams of leaders in business, health care, administration, and governmental affairs. The primary goal of CCCL's activities is to improve organizational efficiency and efficacy of complex operations through collaboration based on actionable understanding™ and the principles of the Teams of Leaders (ToL) concept and John Boyd's OODA (Observe-Orient-Decide-Act) loop.
Teams of Leaders (ToL) is a method for rapidly building and effectively employing cross-boundary High Performing Leader Teams (HPLTs) unified by their shared capacity to learn and adapt together, and to make and execute decisions based on actionable understanding™ shared among collaborating teams under pressure of complex, rapidly changing operational environments. HPLTs involved in the definition of missions and strategies based on shared actionable understanding perform as Collaborating Command Teams™.
The Center for Collaborative Command and Leadership focuses on the development, promotion, and senior executive training of highly advanced concepts of decision making and collaboration among leaders and their organizations divided by conflicts of attitude, function, structure, and culture, yet tasked with addressing the same critical mission. CCCL bases its work on the Teams of Leaders concept (ToL) created by Lt. General Frederic Brown and incorporated by the US Army into its operational doctrine, the cognitive principles of John Boyd’s OODA-Loop, and the philosophy of mission-oriented leadership (known as Auftragstaktik).
A dapting the essential elements of the military ToL concept, CCCL transformed an solidified it, then deployed the purely civilian version of ToL in a series of highly successful national and international, large-scale training and simulation activities . Originally concentrated on the issues of health care and public health, the work of ToL - CCCL rapidly expanded beyond these domains, and now incorporates settings where very close collaboration among widely divergent participants is the essential prerequisite of success, e.g., post-disaster recovery, pandemic mitigation, development of social assistance and public health networks, urban planning, international scientific collaboration, and military/civilian interactions in post conflict environments.
To foster the required changes, the staff of the Center undertakes studies of repetitive collaboration failures in global-scale counter-pandemic and disaster recovery operations, and in the long-lasting social, healthcare, economic, and political consequences of such failures. The Center also organizes international workshops and conferences where new methods of collaboration are discussed and practiced through highly sophisticated simulations.
CCCL utilizes a broad range of co-located and distributed technologies incorporating augmented virtual reality (aVR) and metaverse concepts; the Center is the heir of the pioneering work conducted by MedSMART, Inc. whose activities drew international attention based on their development and intercontinental deployment of routine aVR-based medical simulation training.
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