




Dag von Lubitz, PhD, MD (Sc)

Scientific Director, Center for Collaborative Command and Leadership

Adjunct Research Professor, Central Michigan University




Biography - Dag von Lubitz

Dag K.J.E. von Lubitz, PhD, MD(Sc) is an internationally recognized author of over 220 peer-reviewed papers, book chapters, and books whose subjects span from molecular pharmacology of neurological diseases to knowledge management, advanced technology, disaster management, and leadership. Following a distinguished career as a biomedical researcher at several universities in the European Union, United States, and at the National Institutes of Health, he subsequently served as the chairman and chief scientist at MedSMART, Inc. He then joined Central Michigan University as an adjunct professor at the Herbert H. and Grace A. Dow College of Health Professions and the scientific director of the Center for Collaborative Command and Leadership tasked with the development of executive-level collaborative leadership skills at the highest echelons of national and international business, administration, military, and academia personnel participating in complex, globe-spanning activities. Working in the United States and European Union, von Lubitz is a frequent keynote speaker on decision-making in complex and unpredictable environments, cognitive foundations of civilian and military leadership, applications of network-centric operations in nonmilitary environments, and information and knowledge management during crises and disasters. He also provides advice on several aspects of national and international disaster preparedness and response/recovery operations, telemedicine, and transboundary training based on distributed simulation and virtual reality. Together with his group at MedSMART, von Lubitz pioneered routine training of globally distributed emergency medical and first responder personnel able to remotely access simulation and a virtual reality hub located in the United States. Currently, access to medical training based on advanced technology and development of advanced disaster preparedness in less developed countries constitute one of the focal arenas of von Lubitz’s activities. Von Lubitz was the author of Bioterrorism: Field Guide to Disease Identification and Initial Patient Management published by Taylor & Francis and awarded in 2004 the “Book of the Year” title by the British Medical Journal . He is also the recipient of the U.S. Smithsonian Institution Award (2000) and the French Laval Prize (2004) for his pathbreaking work on the theory and practical implementation of globally distributed virtual reality-based medical simulation and training. In 2013, von Lubitz developed a Teams of Leaders (ToL)–based free-play training simulation aimed at the development of earthquake readiness that subsequently served as the springboard for creation of preparedness plans in several cities of the United States and Canada that may be potentially exposed to mass casualty unpredictable disasters.




Candace J. Gibson, PhD

The Center for Collaborative Command and Leadership 

Professor Emerita, Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, Western University, London, CANADA 

Professor, Central Michigan University College of Medicine, Mt Pleasant, MI, USA 



Biography - Candace J. Gibson

Dr. Candace J. Gibson earned her PhD in biochemistry at Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1977, following ground-breaking studies in neuroscience and extracurricular activities crowned by the coveted Karl Taylor Compton Prize. Her biomedical research encompassed major achievements in neurochemistry of the normal and diseased brain, extensive studies of Alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative disorders, and pioneering experimental studies on the relationship between nutrition, brain chemistry, and behavior. Gibson completed an MA degree in journalism at the University of Western Ontario (1993) and also a certification in health information management (2008) that led to a parallel career in health communications and health information. Today, Gibson is recognized not only as a neuroscientist but also as one of the pioneers of Canadian e-learning, e-health, and health informatics education and as an editor and author of the first Canadian textbook on health information management. Gibson served as the vice chair, chair, and past-chair of the board of directors of the Canadian Health Information Management Association (CHIMA) from 2010 to 2014 and, serving as a member of the Expert Advisory Group to the Information and Communications Technology Council, co-authored critical reports on Canadian e-health and the current and future role of healthcare information technology and health informatics/health information management human resources in Canada. A distinguished faculty member in the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Gibson served as a senator at Western and also held a number of senior administrative appointments as the assistant dean, Basic Medical Sciences Undergraduate Education (2013–2018) and the acting vice dean, Basic Medical Sciences (2018–2020) at the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry. Gibson has been the recipient of numerous provincial and national research grants and also of several awards recognizing her outstanding achievement as a university educator in the undergraduate and graduate medical sciences, medicine, and nursing degree programs. In 2013 she was the recipient of the AFMC-Infoway eHealth Award recognizing her dedication to improving clinical practice and medical education through digital tools and health solutions and subsequently acted as the senior peer leader for the AFMC-Infoway Physician in Training: e-Health Curriculum and e-Learning Project. In May 2016 Dr. Gibson received CHIMA’s Tribute to Excellence, awarded to an individual whose professional practice exemplifies excellence in health information management. She is the author of over 100 peer-reviewed publications in experimental neuroscience, health informatics, and health information management.




Howard M. Levine

Multimedia Network Engineer

Ford Motor Company, HTC Global 

Dearborn, MI



Biography - Howard Levine

Educated at the University of Michigan (BA in computer sciences), Howard worked nationally and internationally as a senior network and video engineer focusing on security, product design, and automation for product development. In addition, he served as the head and engineering manager of live and on-demand, real time broadcast and streaming, conferencing and collaboration services. Throughout his multi-faceted, product-driven and professionally highly challenging career, Howard’s skills emerged with particular strength in fast paced, rapidly evolving, and complex business and military environments. Consistently proving that “when the going is tough, the tough get going” Howard’s success was based not only on his professional acumen but also his ability to work closely with highly diverse, multi-lingual and multi-cultural customer, and key business stakeholders. His strengths are in troubleshooting, complex problem solving, collaborative product design and development, QA test plan design and implementation. As well his excellent communication skills, are among the crucial underpinnings of success in highly innovative product design, development, engineering, and live streaming and traditional television production and broadcast operations. Unsurprisingly, Howard’s skills and knowledge are reflected in his lectures given to audiences in the US and EU, and the co-authorship of several papers on telecommunications security, disaster response, telemedicine and medical simulation. Howard is a 2002 recipient of the Laval Prize in medical simulation.




John P. Sullivan 

Lieutenant (Retired), Los Angeles Sheriff's Department

Instructor, Safe Communities Institute, University of Southern California

Senior Fellow, Small Wars Journal-El Centro



Biography - John P. Sullivan

John P. Sullivan was a career police officer, now retired. Throughout his career he has specialized in emergency operations, terrorism, and intelligence. He is a Senior El Centro Fellow at Small Wars Journal, and Contributing Editor at Homeland Security Today. He served as a lieutenant with the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, where he served as a watch commander, operations lieutenant, headquarters operations lieutenant, service area lieutenant, tactical planning lieutenant, and in command and staff roles for several major national special security events and disasters.


Sullivan received a lifetime achievement award from the National Fusion Center Association in November 2018 for his contributions to the national network of intelligence fusion centers. He is also an adjunct researcher at the Vortex Foundation in Bogotá, Colombia. He completed the CREATE Executive Program in Counter-Terrorism at the University of Southern California and holds a BA in Government from the College of William and Mary, a MA in Urban Affairs and Policy Analysis from the New School for Social Research, and a PhD in Information and Knowledge Society from the Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3) at the Open University of Catalonia (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya) in Barcelona. His doctoral thesis was on “Mexico’s Drug War: Cartels, Gangs, Sovereignty and the Network State.” His current research focus is the impact of transnational organized crime on sovereignty in Mexico, Brazil, and other countries.