The services of the Center focus on three areas: exploration, education, and delivery of expertise on all issues related to collaborative leadership at the local, national, and global level. The Center provides on-demand expertise to all governmental, corporate, and private institutions involved in activities demanding high levels of collaboration across boundaries of profession, organization, culture, and nationality. Services are offered both in the context of day-to-day, routine operations, and in crisis or disaster operations when “time is of the essence.”
Depending on the circumstances and the nature of the task in which the Center is involved, it can provide both in-house and deployable expertise targeted on the accelerated development of actionable understanding among all participating actors, and - through the implementation of such understanding – on the improvement of organizational efficiency and productivity.
Through implementation of Teams of Leaders (ToL) at client organizations, the Center can facilitate the process of change and limit the turbulence that often accompanies major shifts of the organizational profile of operations. ToL-mediated processes reduce inherent and often detrimental tensions and uncertainties among the involved parties, help to introduce new processes and activities in a manner that eliminates friction, and enhance the spirit of organizational innovation which promotes improved responsiveness to market, regulatory, or political pressure.
When involved in crisis-related situations, activities of the Center focus on reduction of the most immediate consequences of the deleterious event, and the development of the most optimal paths toward full and speedy recovery of normal, steady-state operations.
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